April 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
Reflecting on an April to remember in Yosemite National Park with our April 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review. There is so much beauty in the Sierra Nevada when we have wet winters and springs. After four years of drought, we were happy to see emerald green meadows and reflective vernal pools of Yosemite Valley. The […]
March 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
March came in like a lion. Early storms added to our snowpack which boosted the waterfalls in Yosemite National Park. The days received an extra hour of light as we sprung forward with daylight savings. Spring is the season for Yosemite waterfalls. Record crowds continue to rush to the waterfalls which continue to be the main […]
February 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
February 2016 was a day longer this year which meant we all got an extra day of adventure. It was also the warmest February on record. Due to rapid snow melt, January snow turned into fuller than expected February waterfalls in Yosemite National Park. Here are some of the most popular photos from our February 2016 Yosemite Instagram with […]
January 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
Here are some of our most popular photos from January in Yosemite on Instagram with 140 likes or more. There are many more on our feed so please follow and share to help us build our audience @yexplore. All photos taken on an iPhone 6s You can learn more about photography with the photos you don’t take. […]
2015 Yosemite Instagram Year in Review Best Nine
Yosemite Bestnine By John P. DeGrazio 2015 was an exciting year. YExplore has grown in so many ways and are extremely thankful for the opportunity to guide tours in Yosemite National Park on a daily basis all year long. As my photography has developed over the years, I have taken pride in being able to share […]
November 2015 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
Here are some of our most popular photos and video on Instagram with 125 likes or more. It was difficult to select some favorites and there are many more on our feed. All we would like for the holidays are more instagram followers so please check us out @yexplore if you haven’t already. Hiking to […]
July 2015 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
Instagram photographs from July 2015. Here are the most popular photos with 125 likes or more. https://instagram.com/p/5X_8dbr_JK/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/5ItAQHL_IB/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/5GSmUlr_Eh/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/5GNZVXL_LL/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/49sJI6r_Bt/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/45S5H6r_EW/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/42WQKgL_NO/?taken-by=yexplore All photos taken on an iPhone 5 Courtesy of http://instagram.com/yexplore Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones […]
May 2015 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
YExplore images on Instagram from May 2015. https://instagram.com/p/2W0nAtr_KL/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2ZZtJer_CT/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2Z5CjNr_BQ/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2j_hZJr_Jd/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2mjlbHr_Pp/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2wp5FcL_Kg/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2zRrSdr_F8/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/21myJDr_GQ/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/24jymrr_Hf/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/26tNEur_FH/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2_icEgr_K8/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/3AZdPqL_I5/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/3G7AWaL_Hn/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/3SdEVnr_C9/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/3SCZywr_IM/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/3RLaRnL_HV/?taken-by=yexplore All photos taken on an iPhone 5 Courtesy of http://instagram.com/yexplore Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones are becoming […]
April 2015 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review
Here are some of our most popular Instagram Photos from April 2015. Please click on our logo and follow us @yexplore https://instagram.com/p/09BLEkL_LK/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/1PBCI7L_EV/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/1PBWzWr_E3/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/1gPBwDr_CU/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/1os0NbL_GU/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/1qRaIFr_Cd/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/1yvQZZr_BY/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/102uzgL_LI/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/19YBrTr_C-/?taken-by=yexplore https://instagram.com/p/2BcJW5L_MB/?taken-by=yexplore All photos taken on an iPhone 5 Courtesy of http://instagram.com/yexplore Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making […]
All Our Yosemite Instagram Photos are Legit
Yosemite Daily Photo Updates By John P. DeGrazio My friend Zach Behrens is an outdoor writer who I met at a conference last spring. He recently shared an article he wrote about an Instagrammer who took some “Epic, Yet Illegal” photos in Yosemite National Park on an Instagram account. While some of these photos were awe […]