Nepal Peru 2020

Nepal Peru 2020

Nepal Peru 2020 is an ambitious plan to trek on two continents on two adventures of a lifetime in the span of two months. The journey begins March 22, 2020 in Kathmandu, Nepal. From there we will fly to the famous Lukla airstrip for the commencement of the Mount Everest Base Camp Trek. Next we […]

Ask Glen Young About Everest Base Camp Question 2

Everest Base Camp Mailbag Part 2  This week’s question for Glen Young is from a person wanting to know the cultural makeup of the guide team on our Mt. Everest Base Camp Trek September 19 – October 10, 2015. Q: “How many Sherpas will be on the expedition? A (Glen Young): “how many Sherpas will be on […]

Everest Base Camp Q & A with Glen Young


Everest Base Camp Mailbag  This week’s question for Glen Young comes from a pair of experienced trekkers who want to know if age is a factor for completing our Mt. Everest Base Camp Trek September 19 – October 10, 2015. Q: “VERY interested in the Everest Base Camp Trek. Have been hiking for 10 years. OUR […]

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