Here for Half Dome: Yosemite Panorama Photos 10.22.14


Make Yosemite Your Destination  By John P. DeGrazio  I had the opportunity to lead a late season Half Dome hike yesterday with a new friend, David from Singapore. While discussing what led David to Yosemite on his first visit to the United States, his story immediately impressed and inspired me. David comes from an island nation […]

Gearing Up for a Half Dome Hike in Yosemite


What’s in My Pack to Help me Reach the Half Dome Summit  By John P. DeGrazio  As we embark on the summer season, many Yosemite hikers are preparing for their upcoming Half Dome summit attempt. Roughly 225 people per day will be starting their journey at Happy Isles with hopes of reaching the 8,842′ summit. […]

How Much is Too Much Water


By John P. DeGrazio What’s more important to you on a hike, saving weight or time?  This is currently one of the biggest debates raging on the trail circuit and the question every Half Dome hiker asks themselves at the advent of their 16 mile journey. To say that hikers in higher altitude need to […]

YExplore Gear Guide Update: Nature’s Treats


By John P. DeGrazio YExplore has a new partner! Nature’s Bakery, a company that makes an energy snack called Fig Bars, has agreed to provide these tasty treats to our clients for our Yosemite Tours. I am now officially an ambassador for Nature’s Bakery and you can follow my blog for them here. I have […]

YExplore Gear Guide: What’s in My Pack (Disclaimer)


We are excited to introduce this new gear review feature for all our readers. From time to time, we will review products we feel are helpful on hikes and backpacking trips. Many of the reviews will be of products we purchase on our own, but some will be from companies who sponsor us. Either way, […]