Eastern Sierra: Yosemite Panoramas 10.04.13


Mammoth Lakes, CA and Dana Meadows By John P. DeGrazio Today is Day 4 of the U.S. Government’s senseless shutdown of the National Parks. Our Sierra Nevada community had been in the infant stage of recovery from the ecological, economic, and emotional impact of the catastrophic Rim Fire before congress decided to stop funding the […]

Lower Ottoway Lake: Yosemite Panoramas 9.24.13


Red Peak, Ottoway Peak, and Merced Peak from Lower Ottoway Lake By John P. DeGrazio Nothing worthwhile is easy. Two days of hiking in Yosemite Wilderness is often needed just to reach the shore of Lower Ottoway Lake to make an image like this. Although a difficult challenge, the Red Peak Pass Yosemite Backpack trip is […]

Rim Fire: Yosemite Panoramas 9.10.13


Rim Fire from the South Rim of Yosemite Valley By John P. DeGrazio Dewey Point is one of the most unheralded places to gaze at El Capitan and many other Yosemite Valley landmarks. I had an opportunity to return to one of my favorite spots in Yosemite to view the Rim Fire which has already […]

Yosemite Instagram Week(s) in Review: Photos From an iPhone 8.11-9.1.13


Rim Fire By John P. DeGrazio It’s been a very difficult period of time in Yosemite during what is currently the fourth largest wildfire in California recorded history, The Rim Fire. This fire started in the Stanislaus National Forest and quickly spread to the national park and many neighboring communities in both Tuolumne and Mariposa […]

High Country Lakes: Yosemite Panoramas 8.12.13


Ireland and Evelyn By John P. DeGrazio Spending a day in Yosemite’s high country is the cure for all that ails you. Recently recovered from a back injury, I went out on a 20 mile jaunt with my good friend Brian up the Lyell Canyon. The goal was to reach Ireland Lake and hopefully make […]

Yosemite Instagram Week in Review: Photos From an iPhone 8.4-8.10.13


Back to Half Dome By John P. DeGrazio Half Dome is the focus of many Yosemite visitors. It dominates the landscape and many want to reach its summit. Photographers flock to vantage points where they can share their interpretation of the Yosemite experience. I feel very fortunate every time I am able to summit this […]

Yosemite Instagram Week in Review: Photos From an iPhone 7.22-8.3.13


Clouds and Smoke in Yosemite By John P. DeGrazio Clear blue skies are ideal for those planning a hike in Yosemite National Park, but they are an overrated phenomena for nature photographers. Nothing adds drama to a landscape image like richly textured clouds. Capturing that texture is another challenge altogether. Another issue photographers are currently […]

Raisin Lake: Yosemite Panoramas 7.25.13


By John P. DeGrazio I recently hiked with a wonderful family to May Lake. Since the family was in excellent shape and willing to extend their adventure, we decided to visit the supremely more remote Raisin Lake for a picnic and a swim. Our swim was cut a little short by some thunder above, but […]

Yosemite Instagram Week in Review: Photos From an iPhone 7.15-7.21.13


Rock Videos Filmed in Yosemite By John P. DeGrazio courtesy of http://instagram.com/yexplore  All photos taken on an iPhone 5 http://instagram.com/p/cC6pTtr_OY/ http://instagram.com/p/cAgZqiL_ME/ http://instagram.com/p/b_YjAxL_MH/ http://instagram.com/p/b-BFwlr_Ml/ http://instagram.com/p/b9_VcNL_Jb/ http://instagram.com/p/b6a7SDr_H4/ http://instagram.com/p/b35laQL_Pz/ http://instagram.com/p/b1S27FL_OU/ http://instagram.com/p/bygMh4L_Km/ Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones are becoming more integral in […]

Yosemite Instagram Week in Review: Photos From an iPhone 7.07-7.14.13

Half Dome_Boulder_DeGrazio

Yosemite Rocks and Falls By John P. DeGrazio courtesy of http://instagram.com/yexplore  All photos taken on an iPhone 5 http://instagram.com/p/bxBI89L_HP/ http://instagram.com/p/btW-Hvr_BB/ http://instagram.com/p/brRFpgL_Ll/ http://instagram.com/p/brEIcyL_BO/ http://instagram.com/p/bpDneVL_Iq/ http://instagram.com/p/blnsExr_K1/ http://instagram.com/p/bjOUZSL_FC/ http://instagram.com/p/bgfRt4L_MU/ http://instagram.com/p/beBXILL_OY/ Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones are becoming more integral in everyday […]

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