September 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

September 2016 Yosemite Instagram

This is the September 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review. I know it’s been like forever since I posted to my blog, but there have been a lot new developments since then, including an impending launch of the new Can O Peaches radio show. More to come about that, but I will be spending the next couple of […]

August 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

Yosemite NPS Centennial Celebration

This is the August 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review. We celebrated the National Park Service 100 year Anniversary on August 25. A group of park service employees and partners gathered for a ceremony. Superintendent Don Neubacher addressed the crowd. He was also joined by Ranger Gabriel who stole the show. Author Terry Tempest Williams also shared an address […]

Yosemite NPS Centennial Celebration

Yosemite NPS Centennial Celebration

August 25, 2016 marked the 100 year anniversary of the National Park Service. The Yosemite NPS Centennial Celebration was one for the ages. Arrangements were made for an historic event when Superintendent Don Neubacher and his staff developed a brilliant idea from a very creative Yosemite community member.  Les Marsden composed “Our Nation’s Nature” to be performed by the Mariposa […]

Yosemite Stewardship Outreach REI

Yosemite Stewardship Outreach REI

“Fostering Yosemite Stewardship in the Digital Age” REI Store Scheduled Presentations By John P. DeGrazio “Fostering Yosemite Stewardship in the Digital Age” is the topic of discussion for a schedule of speaking engagements at California Bay Area REI stores. I will encourage the use of technology as a tool to promote responsible wilderness enjoyment. Yosemite Stewardship Outreach REI is […]

Das Boot

Das Boot

A Modern Day Yosemite Legend By John P. DeGrazio Some legends are made. Others are born. Every once in a while you cross paths with someone so extraordinary that their accomplishments seem unfathomable. Before I begin the story of Luke Milam, I’d like to share that his twin sister Virginia is one of the strongest, […]

July 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

July 2016 Yosemite Instagram

This is the July 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review. July was one of the most heavily visited months in Yosemite National Park history. This year, we are on pace to shatter record visitation to Yosemite with some estimates over 4.5 million visitors. July was also a time to leave Yosemite Valley and head for the […]

June 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review

Olmsted June 2016 Yosemite Instagram

This is the June 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review. Yosemite National Park was an exciting place to be in June. Just ask President Obama and the First Family who visited on Father’s Day Weekend. I was honored to be invited to that event, and those photos will be coming shortly. Waterfalls continued to highlight […]

Nobody Beats the Wizz

Nobody Beats the Wizz

A Can O Peaches with CW, Kenny, & Wizz By John P. DeGrazio Nobody Beats the Wizz I stood with an outreached hand, “Great to meet you this morning. My name is John”.  The response was an extra firm handshake, a smile that lit the parking lot in the predawn hour of 5 am, and one word, […]

May 2016 Yosemite Instagram Month in Review

Bear May 2016 Yosemite Instagram

Yosemite National Park continued to sparkle in May. The waterfalls kept booming and vernal reflection pools were everywhere. In our May 2016 Yosemite Instagram photos I was able to represent the lush green Valley and sprinkled in some black and white images. I also shot a couple of videos which became instantly popular, including my […]

Rock Climbing Yosemite Valley Guide Book

Rock Climbing Yosemite Valley Sloan

Rock Climbing Yosemite Valley Guide Book Erik Sloan is a very popular climber in Yosemite National Park. He is also a good friend and has led Yosemite hiking tours and Backpacking trips for YExplore. Erik has collaborated with other Yosemite expert climbers to author one of the most comprehensive Yosemite rock climbing guide books titled ” Rock Climbing […]