July 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

July 2016 Yosemite Instagram

July 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

July 2016 Yosemite InstagramThis is the July 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review. July was one of the most heavily visited months in Yosemite National Park history. This year, we are on pace to shatter record visitation to Yosemite with some estimates over 4.5 million visitors. July was also a time to leave Yosemite Valley and head for the high country of the Eastern Sierra. Our guided Yosemite backpack trips were able to take advantage of the reduced crowds and spectacular scenery of the Yosemite backcountry.

In July we also said goodbye to our trusted intern Chase Daftary who spent a few weeks with us snapping photos and making videos. He had to returnย to Florida State University, but he vowed to be back. Chase expertly handled several Instagram takeovers for the YExplore feed in July, and we promise you will see more of his brilliantย work in the future.

Here are ourย most popular photos from the YExplore July 2016 Yosemite Instagram pageย with 200ย likes or more. There are many more on our feed where we have reached 2283 followers. Please follow and share with other IGers to help us build our Instagram audience @yexplore.

July 2016 Yosemite Instagram

All photos taken on an iPhone 6s for July 2016 Yosemite Instagram

Why can’t the world be all wildflowers, waterfalls, & rainbows? #yosemite #findyourpark #yosemiteambassador #yexplore

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on

Photos & Videos Courtesy of ย http://instagram.com/yexplore

Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones are becoming more integral in everyday โ€œoutdoorโ€ life. I am currently using the iPhone 6s with an 12 megapixel camera and will share the world of Yosemite through my phone. – John P. DeGrazio

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