Sentinel Dome: Yosemite Panoramas 6.21.13


Sentinel Dome: Yosemite Panoramas 6.21.13

Best Bang for Your Buck

Sentinel Dome Panorama by John P. DeGrazio

By John P. DeGrazio

I recently hiked with some fun folks to the top of Half Dome. As magnificent a “bucket list” hike that was, we began to discuss several other “bucket list” type hikes so I immediately mentioned Clouds Rest and Mt. Hoffman. The conversation quickly turned to Sentinel Dome which sits 8122 feet above sea level and a little more than 800 feet below Half Dome with an almost identical view and about 12 less miles of hiking. And that’s if you continue over to Taft Point for another unique vantage point. We quickly called it the best bang for your buck in Yosemite. I guess the secret is out. See you on Sentinel Dome!

