Views from the Summit of El Capitan


Views from the Summit of El Capitan

We’ll Take You There the Conventional Way 
By John P. DeGrazio 
Yosemite Valley from the Summit of Half Dome by John P. DeGrazio

Congratulations once again to Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson for being the first team to free climb the Dawn Wall of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. Considered by many to be the hardest rock climb in the world, the pair inspired millions of people from around the globe with their epic adventure. Rock climbing is a fun activity and one with amazing opportunities to see dramatic landscapes, but it is not the only way to seek these rewards. Hiking can be equally rewarding for those unable to scale 3000 foot rock walls. Seeing both men achieve their dream on this sheer granite face, sparked a desire to return soon.

Half Dome Through a Juniper on El Capitan by John P. DeGrazio

There are three conventional routes for reaching the summit of El Cap that do not require rock climbing skills. Although they are each considered an endurance trek, the rewards are breathtaking. Scanning through my library of images, I found two of my most memorable photos from those hikes. Join us for a guided El Capitan adventure in Yosemite and you will be able to make your own.

If you are interested in reading more about exploring Yosemite, check this post out. Otherwise, find an overview of all available hikes here.

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