I Know it’s Winter But…


I Know it’s Winter But…

Clouds Rest Summit Photos
By John P. DeGrazio 
Half Dome from Clouds Rest by John P. DeGrazio

I know it’s winter, but I am working on another project and was scanning some of my images from this past summer. I came across a trip I took before I broke my wrist. I can’t believe it’s already been 5 months since that occurred, and it has healed very well in case you were wondering. Needless to say, the injury had inhibited my ability to take and share photos all the way into the winter. However, I have some folders from November and December I promise to share in the upcoming weeks as I motivate myself to blog more. Where was I? Oh yeah, so I found these photos.

This was an amazing day with Christine and David. We got a good early start to our Clouds Rest summit hike under a perfect sky with an abundance of clouds. How apropos, right? We moved efficiently through the forest and up the slabs of the peak where we met our biggest challenge of the day.

Reaching the summit of Clouds Rest by John P. DeGrazio

Overcoming adversity with big smiles, here they are on the summit.

Resting Atop Clouds Rest by John P. DeGrazio

Cloudy days are perfect for photographic opportunities in the Sierra. This was one of the most amazing trips of the year, and the photos easily show why many locals prefer this hike over Half Dome. Do you agree? If you are interested in booking Winter tours, have a look at this page.

Mt. Hoffman, Tenaya Lake, and the Cathedral Range from Clouds Rest by John P. DeGrazio
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