August 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

Yosemite NPS Centennial Celebration

August 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review

This is the August 2016 Yosemite Instagram Monthly Review. We celebrated the National Park Service 100 year Anniversary on August 25. A group of park service employees and partners gathered for a ceremony. Superintendent Don Neubacher addressed the crowd. He was also joined by Ranger Gabriel who stole the show. Author Terry Tempest Williams also shared an address about protecting nature that was poignantly moving.

Yosemite NPS Centennial CelebrationYosemite also celebrated a major event at Glacier Point in August. The Mariposa Symphony brilliantly performed an historic concert to commemorate the centennial. Les Marsden composed “Our Nation’s Nature”.

2016 has been a special year for me in Yosemite because I was named a Yosemite Centennial Ambassador. My role has been to share photos through social media. I have helped share many of the park’s messages since the program began. Therefore, I have relished my role as a Yosemite steward. Here are some of the most important photos from the YExplore August 2016 Yosemite Instagram page. There are many more on our feed where we have reached 2327 followers. Please follow and share with other IGers to help us build our Instagram audience @yexplore.

August 2016 Yosemite Instagram

All photos taken on an iPhone 6s for July 2016 Yosemite Instagram

I never got this guy’s name but he was happy to pose on the summit of Half Dome for this photo as I stood on the Visor. I was pleased to take one for him moments later as we switched positions. We never shared names or contact info. Instead, we both were sharing a special moment in peaceful predawn solitude on the most famous peak in Yosemite National Park. I first saw him gaining ground on me as I ascended the Sub Dome before sunrise. His light inspired me to move faster. The competitor in me scaled the cables in full stealth mode with no headlamp so he had no idea where I was. Actually, I wanted to enjoy the first light experience without any artificial interferences. I was able to enjoy about 15 minutes on the summit alone before we shared the silence. I departed once the next group arrived. Having achieved my mission, I was content to exit before the sun made its arrival.

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on


August 2016 Yosemite Instagram

There’s always Half Dome. #yosemite #halfdome #bw #bwphotography #bwlandscape #landscapephotography #landscapes #yosemitenationalpark

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on

Still glowing | Privileged doesn’t always have a positive connotation but it’s hard not to feel privileged this morning. Calling Yosemite National Park my office for the past decade is enough to make anyone feel privileged. After spending thousands of hours here, I am still amazed with how unique every experience truly is. Yesterday I woke at 2:30 am to lead another Half Dome hike. Yes, I led this hike more than 100 times, and no it never gets old. We had an amazing group of explorers. Once we arrived at Sub Dome it began to rain. Undeterred, we waited out the light drizzle and ascended the cables when the skies cleared. Our window was temporary but long enough to enjoy some dramatic photos on the summit. I returned to the Valley floor only to rush up to Glacier Point for a once in a lifetime event. My good friend Les Marsden is the conductor for the Mariposa Symphony Orchestra & he composed “Our Nation’s Nature” as a gift to the National Park Service to celebrate 4 anniversaries including this year’s #nps100. It was a performance for the ages. Occasionally, I am able to spend the night in Yosemite Valley. Before work this morning, I passed through Cook’s Meadow & this was the scene. Wildflowers weaved the landscape between Half Dome and Glacier Point as the early sun kissed the Sierra Nevada. It was a truly symbolic composition I felt compelled to capture that also left me feeling privileged. And the day has only just begun. #yosemite #yosemitenationalpark #yosemiteambassador #findyourpark #yexplore

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on


August 2016 Yosemite Instagram


August 2016 Yosemite Instagram

August 2016 Yosemite Instagram Photos & Videos Courtesy of

Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones are becoming more integral in everyday “outdoor” life. I am currently using the iPhone 6s with an 12 megapixel camera and will share the world of Yosemite through my phone. – John P. DeGrazio

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