Yosemite December 2016 Instagram Monthly Review

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram Monthly Review

This is the Yosemite December 2016 Instagram Monthly Review. Winter returned to Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Nevada in full force in December as 2016 ended with a bang. Warmer temperatures brought mostly rain to the lower elevations as storms pummeled California. Elevations above 10,000 feet received a steady dose of snow. The realities of climate change prove although all precipitation is welcome, much of the rainfall turned into runoff before it could be captured for future use. However, most Yosemite waterfalls have been full since November, and we are anticipating a huge spring waterfall season.

Here are the most liked photos and videos from the YExplore Yosemite December 2016 Instagram page with over 225 likes. There are several more daily images from Yosemite on our feed. We have reached an instagram milestone and now have 2554 followers. Please follow and share with other IGers to help us build our Instagram audience @yexplore.

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram


Half Dome is letting off a little steam this morning. #yosemite #yosemitenationalpark #halfdome #yexplore

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram

I come to Yosemite to wallow in my own humility. #yosemite #yosemitenationalpark #elcapitan #yexplore

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram

Nevada Feliz Navidad

A video posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on

More Yosemite Magic at Mirror Lake. #yosemite #yosemitenationalpark #yexplore

A photo posted by YExplore Yosemite Adventures (@yexplore) on

All photos taken for Yosemite December 2016 Instagram on an iPhone 6s by John P. DeGrazio

Yosemite December 2016 Instagram Photos & Videos Courtesy of  http://instagram.com/yexplore

Photographing with a camera phone was once frowned upon as a lazy way out of making an image. With advancing technology, these phones are becoming more integral in everyday “outdoor” life. I am currently using the iPhone 6s with a 12 megapixel camera and will share the world of Yosemite through my phone. – John P. DeGrazio

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