Fostering Yosemite Stewardship

Fostering Yosemite Stewardship Black Bear

Fostering Yosemite Stewardship

YExploreย Announces Schedule forย John DeGrazio Yosemite Stewardship Speaking Engagements

Fostering Yosemite Stewardship Black BearJohn P. DeGrazio has developed a presentation titledย “Fostering Yosemite Stewardship in the Digital Age”.ย He isย scheduled to presentย at the Sierra EcoSummit at Mt. Sage in Groveland, CA Saturday June 11 at 1:30 pm. Other scheduled appearances will be at California Bay Area REI stores (TBA) beginning in September 2016.

Fostering Yosemite Stewardship

In January 2016, John was named a Yosemite National Park Centennial Ambassador by the National Park Service. He has scheduled these speaking engagements as service to his commitment ofย fostering Yosemite stewardship. During the presentation, John will share images and stories from his past decade as a wilderness guide in Yosemite National Park. He weaves those stories with messages about stewardship and conservation while introducingย the use ofย technology as a tool to promote responsible wilderness enjoyment.ย A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Fostering Stewadrship Sierra EcoSummitJohn’s first Fostering Yosemite Stewardship engagement will be at the Sierra EcoSummit in Groveland, CA at Mt. Sage June 11, 2016. John will be speaking from 1:30 to 2:30. ย The event is a full day of the latest science, land practices, community building, farming, local foods and entertainment. The mission of the event is to facilitate Sierra appropriate land management and community development through sharing of successes, failures, and the latest scientific methodologies and concerns. If you would like to learn more about keeping the Sierra Nevada beautiful, then please read this article here. Otherwise, you can find this article which is an overview of our volunteering efforts.

Following the EcoSummit, John will be presenting at REI stores on a continuing basis beginning in September 2016. That schedule will be announced at a future date.

John P. DeGrazio has spent the last decade cultivating his professional career at YExplore Yosemite Adventures as a wilderness guide, naturalist, motivator, and coach. He shares stories of the geological, natural, and human histories of Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Nevada with visitors from across the globe. Along the way, he has assisted in authoring new narratives while helping others achieve personal growth while accomplishing their goals.

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